envelope<int MemLoc=internal> [MTL Home] Programmers Guide
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Category:containers,selectors Component type:type
The storage scheme is for sparse symmetric matrices, where most of the non-zero elements fall near the main diagonal. The storage format is useful in certain factorizations since the fill-ins fall in areas already allocated. This scheme is different than most sparse matrices since the row containers are actually dense, similar to a banded matrix.
 [  1              ]
 [  2  3           ]
 [  4     5        ]
 [        6  7     ]
 [     8     9  10 ]

          [ 0  2  5  7 11 ]    Diagonals pointer array
    _______/__/   |  |__\___________
   V     V        V     V           V
 [ 1  2  3  4  0  5  6  7  8  0  9 10 ] Element values array

Template Parameters

MemLocSpecify whether the memory used is "owned" by the matrix or if it was provided to the matrix from some external source (with a pointer to some data) internal
Model of
Member Where defined Description
enum { id = ENVELOPE, oned_id, ext=MemLoc, issparse = 0, index }    
New members
See also

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