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Category:mtl2lapack Component type:function
template <class LapackMatA, class LapackMatB, class VectorInt>
int gesv(LapackMatA& a, VectorInt & ipivot, LapackMatB& b) ;
Computes the solution to a real system of linear equations A*X=B (simple driver). LU decomposition with partial pivoting and row interchanges is used to solve the system.
  • a (IN/OUT - matrix(M,N)) On entry, the coefficient matrix A, and the factors L and U from the factorization A = P*L*U on exit.
  • ipivot (OUT - vector(N)) Integer vector. The row i of A was interchanged with row IPIV(i).
  • b (IN/OUT - matrix(ldb,NRHS)) Matrix of same numerical type as A. On entry, the NxNRHS matrix of the right hand side matrix B. On a successful exit, it is the NxNRHS solution matrix X.
  • info (OUT - int) 0 : function completed normally < 0 : The ith argument, where i = abs(return value) had an illegal value. > 0 : U(i,i), where i = return value, is exactly zero and U is therefore singular. The LU factorization has been completed, but the solution could not be computed.
See also

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